AWS Discovery Day: Introduction to Generative AI for Business and Technical Decision Makers (AWSDD-GAIETBDM)


Course Overview

Gain an understanding of Generative AI and how it can address concerns and challenges, and supports business growth. Learn the steps for planning a generative AI project and the key considerations for building a generative AI-ready organization.

Who should attend

Business decision makers

Course Objectives

In this session, you will learn to:

  • Describe the basics of generative AI and use cases
  • Describe importance of generative AI
  • Identify the risks and benefits of generative AI
  • Describe how to plan a generative AI project
  • Describe how to build a generative AI-read organization

Preise & Trainingsmethoden

Online Training

1,5 Stunden

  • Kostenloses Angebot


Garantietermin:   Kursdurchführung unabhängig von der Teilnehmerzahl garantiert. Ausgenommen sind unvorhersehbare Ereignisse (z.B. Unfall, Krankheit der Trainer), die eine Kursdurchführung unmöglich machen.
Instructor-led Online Training:   Kursdurchführung online im virtuellen Klassenraum.


Europäische Zeitzonen

Online Training Garantietermin! 13:00–14:30 Uhr